Naybel Technologies

Nuclear Industry:
Making Nuclear Energy Safer

Aerosol Monitor

The Aerosol Monitors are suited to detect and measure the radioactive contamination of air due to solid radioisotopes (alpha, beta or gamma emitters) attached to particulates suspended in air. This kind of measurement is necessary to prevent and/or evaluate inhaled radioactive aerosols by working personnel and population.

Gamma Monitor

In this context this refers to Gamma Dose-rate Monitoring. The usual task is to detect, measure and time integrate the dose intensity of gamma radiation diffused in the environment, indoor or outdoor, of natural (background) as well as artificial origin, or also due to ‘gamma sources’ in the vicinity.

Criticality Monitor

Criticality safety is an important issue for the prevention of a criticality accident involving fast and huge release of neutron and gamma radiation.

Environmental Radiation Monitoring Station

The accurate evaluation of radiological risks coming from the presence of radionuclides in the environment requires careful investigation of airborne contamination. This data needs to be collated with geographical and weather data.

Other Products

Beside the main families of radiological monitoring systems described above, RTS provides customers with other instrumental devices, systems and tools for the detection, measurement and monitoring of radiations.